Sydney GT ’24 Ticket

$ 165.00

1 ticket for Sydney GT ’24 including lunch on both Saturday & Sunday, players gift pack upon registration, and 5 matched play games of Age of Sigmar.

1 in stock



Sydney GT is a Warhammer Age of Sigmar event that takes place over Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th October 2024 at Sutherland Basketball Stadium. Purchase by 30th June and secure the early bird pricing.

Your ticket includes lunch on both Saturday and Sunday. While we appreciate that means your ticket price is higher upon purchase compared to previous years, we have decided to include lunch to help keep us on schedule and to make it easier for you over the weekend. Trust me, this is adding more work on my side but I believe it will be worth it. A food survey will be sent around closer to the date to capture diarty requirements.

Sydney GT has qualified for Games Workshop’s World Championships of Warhammer. In 2024 we will be offering the Grand Champion (1st Place) the opportunity to attend the World Championships of Warhammer finals in Atlanta, Georgia, in the USA, from 21st to 24th November.

A full refund will be available until 5th July 2024. After this date refunds will no longer be given, however; your ticket is transferable. Reach out to the TO if you can no longer attend.

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